This post is a dedication to
I wrote these words as a comment to, please refer!
This is the first time i browse through your blog and i totally disappointed to all your point of views.
First of all, i salute you as a Malay that can read and write in Chinese. I'm so curious when you said you are forced to learn Chinese. Are you forced by your parent? If yes, i sure your parent must have a good reason to ask you do so (I think your parent will be so sad when they see your blog. They still alive? God bless them..). Seems like you also put in some good effort in learning Chinese as well. Although you don't like it, but you still writing it in Chinese (shame to yourself for wasting time doing things you don't like).
About those Chinese bully Malays talk, is totally bull shit! Don't you know that Malay is the majority race of Malaysia? And Malaysia's politic are actually helping Malays through policies like NEP? And those policies is actually "bullying" other races in Malaysia to make it fair to Malays. Chinese totally don't have the power to bully Malays in Malaysia. Please prove that how Chinese have the power to "bully" Malays, don't simply write! If you still thinking that we are "bullying" Malays, then that mean we are "capable" to do that.
If you think Chinese and Indians are outsiders, then you are totally wrong. Of course we are competing with each other among races in Malaysia, but this is something good if the competition is fair for us. Today, we are globalized, doesn't matter we are staying inside Malaysia or outside Malaysia, we still competing to each other. As i said, since we do not have the politic power to "bully" Malays and you still saying Chinese "bullying" Malays, then you mean Malays are a loser in the competition! You are totally a STUPID, if you still believe UMNO can make you a winner since they failed to make you a winner for 50 years...
Another thing, i'm curious about your religion. Are you Muslim, are you sure you believe in you god? You are trying to humiliate all mankind and also your god. you said Indian's god is Pig.. I thought we have so call "Mamak", who is Indian Muslim in Malaysia..
Shame of you as Malaysian! You should out of this country instead of other people! You are humiliating yourself, your parent and also your god when you are humiliating other people..
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