Not sure whether you are falling in love with someone? Think of the statements below and evaluate how true is the statements.
This article is taken from TIME Megazine (4th February 2008). Just want to share with friends here:
First, fill in the blanks with his/her name.
Then, evaluate every statement below by rating from 1(Not true at all) to 9(Definitely true).
1. I would feel deep despair if ___ left me.
2. Sometimes I feel I can’t control my thoughts; they are obsessively about ___.
3. I feel happy when I am doing something to make ___ happy.
4. I would rather be with ___ than anyone else.
5. I’d get jealous if I thought ___ were falling in love with someone else.
6. I yearn to know all about ___.
7. I want ___ physically, emotionally, mentally.
8. I have an endless appetite for affection from ___.
9. For me, ___ is the perfect romantic partner.
10. I sense my body responding when ___ touches me.
11. ___ always seems to be on my mind.
12. I want ___ to know me—my thoughts, fears and hopes.
13. I eagerly look for signs indicating ___’s desire for me.
14. I possess a powerful attraction for ___.
15. I get extremely depressed when things don’t go right in my relationship with ___.
Finally, add up your total. Your score can range from a minimum of 15 to a maximum of 135. The higher your score, the more your feelings reflects passionate love; the items for which you picked a particularly high number indicate the components of passionate love you experience most.
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